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Frequently asked questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What is Cheat4bet all about?

Cheat4bet is a place where winning tips are delivered to web members. We have soccer experts with adequate knowledge & information on different teams across the globe.

What time do you publish your booking Odds?

Odds are published before 12PM (UTC +00:00) Dublin, London time zone. All booking odds are available ONLY on our website and user/members must login to view their Odds

Can I get your Odds Elsewhere ?

No! All booking odds are available ONLY on our website and user/members must login to view their Odds.

Are your Tips subjected to a Particular betting Site ?

No. our tipsters analysis games and provide them on our website in a way that it can be played with any betting company Globally.

Once I subscribe, when will I start receiving Odds ?

In some cases Immediately. However, it might take up to 48 hours(2days) depending on circumstance.

Are you hiring ?

For now, we do not hire. However, you can leave us a message using the contact form in our contact us page

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